How-to Decrease Your Website Bounce Rate

How-to Decrease Website Bounce Rate
Inbound Marketing / Search Engine Optimization / Web Design

How-to Decrease Your Website Bounce Rate

Upset about your high website bounce rate?

What is a website bounce rate? High bounce rate are defined as a matter of concern for most website owners who have just started out. But if you can figure out the reason why your visitors are leaving your site so quickly, it can be a lot easier for you to fix the problem.

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who land on your website and decide to leave it without visiting another page. If you have a higher bounce rate, it means that your visitors didn’t find your site good enough to stay for any longer.

So they exit it by clicking on another URL, closing the tab or window, or by clicking on the back button. This can harm your SEO by sending a signal to Google that your site is not good enough to rank on search results.

1. Check your loading speed

Have you ever landed on a website that makes you feel like it’s taking hours to load? I am sure you have. So what was your reaction to it? Frustrated, annoyed, and irritated, right? So much so that you left the website without even giving a second thought.

The same can happen to people on your website if you don’t optimize your site for speed. Check your website speed and if it’s taking too long to load, figure out what’s slowing it down. There can be various reasons for the delay in your loading speed.

It can be due to your web hosting service, because of too many themes or plugins being installed, unoptimized images, JavaScript issues, etc. Make sure to get to the bottom of it and then fix it at the earliest. It can be the main reason for driving your visitors away.

2. Optimize for mobile

A large percentage of the internet’s traffic comes from a mobile device. Users do this for various purposes, which include visiting your website. So if your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, the chances are that you’re leaving money on the table.

So make sure that your website is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) enabled. Test your site on Google’s Mobile-friendly tool to see whether your site is optimized for mobile devices or not. If not, make sure to get it done now. Choose a good web hosting service and install a mobile-friendly WordPress theme on your site. If you’re using pop-ups, redesign them for mobile devices.

3. Add a clear call-to-action

A lot of times your visitors leave your website because they don’t know how to get what you’re offering them. This confuses them and forces them to exist even if they want to stay for longer. Using a clear CTA (call-to-action) button on your website, you can clear out such confusion and direct people to do what you want.

Using Call-to-Action

This has two major benefits. First, it helps you retain your users. Second, it helps you boost your conversions. Plus, it encourages people to come back to your site again in the future. So make your CTA big enough for people to notice it.

You should also highlight it by using contrasting colors on the website and in your CTA buttons. Doing that will help you attract attention and make them more effective.

So these are a few important points to consider when you’re trying to reduce your website’s bounce rate. But remember, the above points won’t be effective unless you can create high-quality content that truly engages your audience and helps them solve their problems.

Hire ThePixel to build your next website!

Since our founding in 2008, we’ve created and launched many types of business websites. Over the last decade and we’ve learned a thing or two! That’s why we’re masters of our craft, let us help you build the website of your dreams – one that generates traffic, leads and conversions.

Are you ready to start? If yes, contact ThePixel and one of our representatives will guide you through the website phases and how the process works either by a Zoom Meeting or phone.

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