Social Media Channels Explained
I’m eating a #donut
500 Million
Tweets per day
330 Billion
Monthly active users
Average Account
Used as a marketing tool

I like donuts
- On Facebook post comments, share photographs, and post links to news or other interesting content on the web, chat live, and watch short-form video.
100 Billion
Daily content shares
500 Million
Daily story usage
2.7 Billion
Monthly active users
19.5 hrs
Monthly time spent

I’m watching donut videos
- User-generated content, where users create and share content with others.
- Connect and network with others YouTuber’s who share their interests.
- Interact with YouTube users through comments, likes, shares, or direct messaging.
- If you subscribe to a YouTube channel, you are interested in the creator’s content and wish to follow their work.
1 Billion
Daily video views
1.3 Billion
Regular Users
2.5 Billion
Monthly active users
171 Million

Here’s a photo of my donut
- Lets users to edit and upload photos and short videos through a mobile app.
- Instagram users can add a caption to each of their posts and use hashtags and location-based geotags to index these posts and make them searchable by other users within the app.
5 Million
Shared per hour
4.2 Billion
Likes per day
1 Billion
Monthly active users
95 Million
Photos uploaded daily

My skills include donut eating
- World’s largest professional network on the internet.
- Find the right job or internship, connect and strengthen professional relationships, and learn the skills you need to succeed in your career.
650 Million
1 Billion
Published content
106 Million
Monthly active users
U.S. adults usage

Short video with my donut & apply filter
- Determine seconds the snap is available for the recipients to view.
- Message can only be viewed once.
- A video snap can be a maximum of 60 seconds long (known as a Long Snap).
- Snapchat stories appear for 24 hours, and the user’s friends can view them an unlimited number of times before they expire.
- The popular Snapchat Filters include those that transform users into dogs, shoot lasers from their eyes and add flowers to a clowns hat.
650 Million
1 Billion
Published content
293 Million
Daily active users
Under 34
Target audience

Discuss our love for donuts
- User-generated content
- Anonymous posting & threads
- Post questions and discover new content
- Communities (i.e. subreddits) based on people’s interests that share and discuss web content.
- Members that register the site can submit content such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members.
2.2 Million
10 mins daily
User spend
430 Million
Monthly active users
1.4 Billion
Monthly videos

I dance & sing with my donut
- Video-sharing app that allows users to create and share short-form videos on any topic.
- Now available in more than 150 different markets, TikTok has offices in Beijing; Los Angeles; Moscow; Mumbai, India; Seoul, South Korea; and Tokyo.
- Short-form video content is played as soon as a user opens the app. The videos start playing one-by-one and a viewer gets lost in a sea of fun, entertaining, addictive video content.
32.2 Million
Mobile visits
2.6 Billion
Total app downloads
1.1 Billion
Monthly active users
141 Million
Active users in U.S.A.

I toured a donut factory today!
While not considered a “traditional” social media platform in the sense of public news feeds or large-scale content sharing.
- Ability to facilitate personal connections, group communication, and content sharing between users, making it a tool for social interaction and community building; however, its primary focus remains on private messaging between individuals and close groups.
- On average, users spend about 19 hours and 40 minutes per month on the app.
- 47.1% of users are female and 52.8% are male.
- Accessible in 180 countries.
140 Billion
Messages sent per day
267 Million
Total app downloads
2 Billion
Monthly active users
100 Million
Active users in U.S.A.