10 Solid Content Ideas for Your Blog

10 Solid Content Ideas for Your Blog
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Having a blog for your company is great for a lot of reasons. It can increase your traffic from search engines, it can give your customers insights about your business and it can be a valuable tool for moving customers through your purchase cycle. Whether you are new to the world of blogging, or simply struggling with a case of writer’s block, we all struggle with things to write about. Here are some general content ideas for your corporate blog to help you get going.
1. Case Studies and Testimonials
Your company likely has a product or service that causes you to stand out from your competition, so why not write about it? Writing about how your company has helped others can be a great way to spread the word about who you are, and it helps build trust with your readers. Even more so if your customers write that case study as it adds another layer of authenticity to the post.
2. Industry Specific News Items
A great content idea is to piggyback off of industry specific new items. If you find a news article about your industry that you enjoy, write a blog post discussing the topic. How does this article affect your industry? Do you have experience that supports or argues against what you’ve read? It’s often a good idea to link back to the original news item and then add your commentary on that item below. This type of article can also stimulate link building, something critical to the off site portion of your Search Engine Optimization plan.
3. Infographics
Infographics are popular and something you see often as they provide a clean, visual, representation of data. Because of this, they are great content for your blog and this type of content is one that will likely receive a large number of shares on social media. As with all things content, the more work you put into it the better your results will be. This works best if you are able to create the infographics yourself, but if you don’t have a graphic designer in house, feel free to take a similar approach to the news items and add commentary regarding a infographic.
4. Your Products
This one may seem common-sense, but I’d encourage you to take a little different approach to writing about your products or services. One great way to come up with content is to give an inside look as to how your products are made, or to discuss innovative ways in which they are used. What sort of thought went into creating this product? How does the manufacturing process work? There have been many TV shows that are built around this same type of concept, and for good reason, it sparks curiosity. It also is a great way to sell the types of processes that may make your products stand out from your competition.
5. Your Company Culture
What do your employees love about working for your company? What is the culture like at the office? Do you have an employee that has gone above and beyond either in the company or in the community? Write about it! These type of posts give your readers an insight to who you are as a company, which have ramifications far beyond future job applicants. It also allows your customers a better opportunity to establish a connection with you which goes a long way towards building trust.
6. Community Outreach and Events
If your company does any sort of community outreach, or is hosting an event, this is something great to write about. Not only does it show your readers that your company is involved in the community, but it’s also a great way to get free PR surrounding your event.
7. Corporate Sponsorship
If your company sponsors an event or organization, writing about why you choose to be a sponsor is another great content idea. Sponsorship is often thought of as a one way street but in order to get the most out of sponsorship you should reciprocate and promote them as well.
8. Responding to Industry Experts
I’m sure you follow other blogs in your industry, and if you don’t, you should. Often times reading other blogs will give you ideas for what to write on your own. Feel free to write a blog post expanding or elaborating on something you’ve read somewhere else. Don’t feel as though you must agree with the original article to write about it. Disagreement can start good discussion, but be polite. Be sure to give credit where appropriate and as with the news and infographic posts, link back to the original content.
9. Conferences and Trade Shows
Attending conferences and tradeshows are a big part of many companies marketing strategies. Rather than simply writing about the fact that your company will be there, write about some of the things that you learned during the event. If a session or talk was something that inspired you or changed how you approached a situation these are great things to write about.
10. The Industry
Writing about your industry is a great way to populate the content in your blog. You have a few options here as to what to write about. A good approach is to write blog posts targeting users at various stages of your industry’s buy cycle. You can also write about how your industry has changed, or how you think it will change in the future. Feel free to reach out to other industry experts and get their opinions as well and feature their comments in your blog.
Regardless of what you write about, be sure to keep in mind that you are going for quality over quantity. I hope these ten content ideas have given you some ideas for future posts.
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