Social Media Content Secrets

Social Media Content Secrets
Social media can be a powerful, cost-efficient tool for any size of business.
When developing a social media content marketing strategy it is natural that some mistakes will be made. However, using social media the wrong way could have a big negative impact on your business. We explain social media channels and how to communicate on each platform.
1. Learn about your customer base.
An important social media marketing strategy that some businesses miss is learning about who their customer base is. You can add people to your contact list and get Facebook fans and Twitter followers ‘till you’re blue in the face. However, if you don’t know who they are, those Facebook fans or Twitter followers are useless to your business. You need to make sure you’re engaging with your customer base. Find out who they are and what they’re interested in to convert those fans and followers into solid sales leads
2. Each social media platform is unique.
One big mistake many businesses make in their social media marketing strategy is treating all their social media networks the same. Each social media network is different, has its own language, customers and audience. It’s important to learn how people are communicating and sharing on each site.

Many businesses blast the same exact message at the same time across all their social media networks not realizing that this can come across as fake, impersonal or even spam-like. To avoid this, you need to be strategic when writing and posting.
Make sure you are writing different status updates for each social media network. Also, make sure to learn a bit about how your fans and followers are responding to posts on your social media networks. What are people engaging with more? What times are you seeing the most activity? Once you learn these two things, you can better plan your social media updates so your business is getting the most out of every post.
3. Make sure your social media profiles are complete.
One of the first things new users go to when they check out your social media network is your company’s bio. If you have nothing written in your “about” section or it’s missing your businesses’ location or website, you’re also missing out on a huge social media marketing opportunity. If visitors don’t know what your company does then why should they follow your social media network? Don’t assume people know who you are and what you do. Even big brand names make sure to have their about sections filled out in detail.
Bonus tip: Be creative! Try to make your “about” section intriguing, fun and engaging. If you’re writing your bio and it seems boring, then it is most likely boring to your Facebook fans too.
4. Focus on quality, not quantity.
Like newsletters and blogging, quality will always be more important than quantity. Many businesses are far too worried about the number of followers and fans they have, but that number doesn’t necessarily translate to sales. The truth is, your business needs to be more worried about the quality of your audience. It’s more valuable for your business to have a hundred highly engaged brand advocates than a thousand followers or fans that never engage with your brand. The goal is to build a strong community of loyal, lifelong consumers who will boast about your company to their friends and family.

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